Using Film to Touch Leaders’ Hearts

Using Film to Touch Leaders’ Hearts

It feels great when leadership workshop participants commit to make a difference in their organizations.  It feels wonderful when they commit to improve the world.  This is what we’ve been experiencing in our one-day workshop “The Heart of Leadership.” For example, during the closing circle, a leader committed to his peers to “do my bit” upon returning home to Israel.  A few weeks later, he told me a powerful story in which he and a few friends cleaned up a heavily littered campground located near a beautiful lake.  “That seemingly simple act was proof that anyone can make a difference by noticing what needs to be improved – inside the workplace and in my community – and then actually do something about it.  That’s leadership.”

Be Inspired

In this highly interactive, fun, and emotional day, participants watch an inspiring award-winning short documentary about an ordinary man who evolves into a fearless leader who inspired generations in an impoverished community to “do their bit.”  We identify where leadership behaviors/competencies appear in the story, always connecting it to the participants’ leadership challenges and their organization’s leadership competencies, behaviors, and values.  We also explore what is expected of leaders, such as vision, execution, trust, developing others, belonging, empathy, and change.

In the weeks following the workshop, in small teams, participants produce micro-short (only one to five minutes) documentaries of an inspiring leader, shown at a leadership film festival customized for their organization.  This is super effective for team building and learning more about leadership. A younger participant said, “While making our doc about our leader, he said that throughout his career, he focused on being authentic and true to he is, not someone who he thought he had to be in order to move up. That was a valuable message to me and demystified what it takes to become a leader.”

The Heart of Leadership’s key tangible outcomes include:

  1. Understanding importantleadership competencies
  2. Identifying one Leadership skill to develop and something in the organization or their community to improve
  3. A micro-short documentaryof an inspiring leader

Are You Inspired?

Find out more how our course can make a difference for you, your organization and your community.

Leadership FilmWorks is a leadership development firm that uses the synergy of creative technology, film, and storytelling to inspire, teach and develop leadership. Incorporating Dr. Douglas Clayton’s groundbreaking “Total Recall” approach to training, our program upskills your leaders to manage their teams and responsibilities through changing times, facilitate a productive and engaged environment in the virtual workplace, retain talent, build strong teams, and stay competitive. If you’re interested in learning more, contact us to set up a free consultation.